About Us

About Us

Education helps you to be a well-rounded person, period. It teaches you how to take in information and data, process it, and use it for life building. Education was key in my family. You were going to college. – Yolanda Adams (TSU Alumnus)

The College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences (formerly the College of Art and Sciences) is one of the oldest colleges of Texas Southern University. In December 2017, the Texas Southern University College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences (COLABS) Alumni Chapter was formed and is comprised of the nine (9) departments of the COLABS, which are Visual & Performance Arts; Psychology; English, World Languages, and Philosophy; History, Geography and General Studies; Sociology; Music, Social Work; and Human Services and Consumer Sciences.

The Mission of the Texas Southern University College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences (COLABS) Alumni Chapter shall be:

  • To facilitate better communication and relationships between the University, graduates and friends.
  • To cooperate with the University’s administration, field services, and other alumni organizations in the promotion of worthwhile activities for Texas Southern University Faculty, Graduates, Students, Prospective Students, and Friends.
  • To encourage the highest type of professional ethics and scholarships among the Alumni and Students.
  • To stimulate school loyalty, devotion, and responsibility.
  • To further encourage professional enthusiasm, initiative, and growth.
  • To study any propositions concerning the mutual relationship of the University and the various allied organizations to the end that both will benefit from their close association.
  • To legislate through bylaws or by resolution upon any subject of general concern to the members of this organization.
  • To secure financial assistance to Texas Southern University through the following methods: Cash, Securities, Requests, Life-Income, Real Estate, Insurance, Specified Property, Annual Dues, and by Annual Fund Drives.
  • To establish positive Alumni connections throughout the nation to assist Texas Southern University in achieving the above goals, as well as, educational excellence, financial security, humanitarian ideas, athletic and social prominence.



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