Fulfilling a need a the TSU Tiger Market
From the description of the Tiger Market: The TSU Tiger Market assists students and their families in navigating diverse concerns, as well as identifying resources for personal, academic, and social success. We know that students cannot learn if they are hungry, and they may not be able to acquire an internship or a job when they do not possess the necessary professional attire for the job interview. To that end, when the COLABS alumni heard that there was a need for certain items, the alumni of the chapter brought food items, personal hygiene items, drinks and more to restock the pantry. If you would like to donate as well, please visit the Market’s website or by contacting Mr. Larence Snowden, Assistant Vice President of Corporate and Community Partnerships, at 713-313-6778
Welcome to the Market!
Our chapter president, Sherry Fuller, thanking volunteers for their donation as well as giving them a tour of the marketplace.
Thank You!
Giving thanks to some of the alumni donors for donating needed items!
Never too young to help
Even our littlest volunteer was all too happy to help out.